RITUALS & DECLARATIONS Issue 4 - Autumn 2020
Limited run small-press magazine about the Weird, published quarterly during 2020.
* Blake in the Modern City - by Louisa Albani
* A Walk in Hyde Park - by Paul D Coombs
* Plastic Altars, Titanium Bones: A Declaration - by Cat Vincent
* Acid Renaissance: Albion’s True Standard Advanced - by Paul Watson
* Granatum - by Sylvia Warren
* Coming Home: Carving Out Hope in Desperate Times - by L B Limbrey
* The London Road Stone Circle - by James Burt
* Walk like a Woman - by Maria J. Pérez Cuervo
* Preparing for the Day - by Jess Richter
* Cunning County by Emily Banting - Reprinted with kind permission of David Southwell, with art by Maria Strutz
* The Bone Wash - by Natasha Kindred
* Cover art by Maria Strutz
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