32 pages of material from Artxmis Graham Thoreau, Cien, Steve Kirk, John Zerzan, Dionysus, Sascha Engel, Sky, Jason Rodgers, Walks with Knives & Julian Langer
"Plastic in Utero: a journal of anti-civ anarchy reborn from the compost of wasteland modernity is a journal of anti-civilization anarchism. It is anti-left, anti-politics, and anti-stupid. Importantly, it is pro-fun. It isn’t pushing any blueprints for “fixing” this society, which isn’t possible. Instead, it seeks out uninterrupted critique. The people who contributed their work did it because they enjoy the process and want to contribute to a new affinity. We aren’t the vanguard, we aren’t the party, we aren’t the messiahs.
The goal of this first edition is to tackle the topic of “artificiality” in any way the author or artist saw fit. Some pieces are more obvious in their attack on the Artificial / artificiality, but all approach them in unique and interesting ways. I choose artificiality because the topic of nature vs unnatural (or authentic vs artificial) is an interesting one within anti-civ and pro-civ anarchist spaces. Is the distinction worth arguing over? Should Anti-Civilization anarchists consider artificiality a central target of their critique?"