After the Fall of New York (Blu-ray)
After a nuclear holocaust, society breaks down into two groups: the evil Euraks and the rebel Federation. Mercanary Parsical is hired by the Federation to infiltrate New York City and rescue the only fertile woman left on Earth. But with all the obstacles ahead, he'll need to count on a group of warriors to accomplish the mission and save the human race from extiniction. Directed by Sergio Martino (Torso, Hands of Steel).
Starring Michael Sopkiw (Blastfighter), George Eastman (Ironmaster), Anna Kanakis (Warriors of the Wasteland)
Special Features: New HD Master, New interviews with actors Michael Sopkiw, Anna Kanakis, George Eastman, Paolo Maria Scalondro, director Sergio Martino and production designer Antonello Geleg, Audio Commentary with Michael Sopkiw, Vintage Interviews, Theatrical Trailer
Code Red // 1983 // 96 Minutes // Rated R // Color // English // Region A