A WINDING PATH OF WORDS Volume One: Magick, Paganism, and the Occult by Michelle Belanger
Learn to craft effective rituals. Build a faerie garden. Understand Gothic Paganism. Host a Samhain ritual for the dead. From articles previously published in popular Pagan magazines like PanGaia, New Moon Rising, and Circle Network News, Belanger has collected a retrospective of personal non-fiction produced from 1994 until 2004. With a brief introduction to each reprint, Belanger provides a guided tour of the articles themselves as well as the time period from when they came. Taken as a whole, A Winding Path of Words is a map to a portion of the past, providing valuable insight into the changing landscape of Pagan practices, scholarship, and beliefs.
Michelle Belanger is an author and occult expert most widely recognized for appearances on television's Paranormal State, exploring abandoned prisons and haunted houses while blindfolded and in high heels. A leading authority on psychic and supernatural topics, Michelle's non-fiction research in books like The Dictionary of Demons and The Psychic Vampire Codex has been sourced in television shows, university courses, and numerous publications around the world. In addition to acting as media liaison for fringe communities in the occult and paranormal world, Michelle's public work has spanned performing with gothic and metal bands, and designing immersive live action gaming events for companies such as Wizards of the Coast. Michelle's new paranormal dark fiction series (the Shadowside Series) is published through Titan Books and begins with Conspiracy of Angels. Michelle resides near Cleveland, Ohio with three cats and a library of more than five thousand books.