Famed French TV game show hostess Sophie Favier – in one of her earliest and most revealing roles – stars in this boldly sexy epic about a cross-dressing teenage orphan named ‘Frank’ (Jennifer Inch of SCREWBALLS) who is adopted by a handsome nobleman (Christopher Pearson) with his own strange urges. But when the sultry virgin’s gender-bend is revealed, her deflowering unleashes a shocking torrent of voyeurism, violation, sadism and submission that will blur the line between pleasure and pain forever!
Also know as FRANK AND I, this 1984 Playboy production ignited an international controversy when Sophie Favier unsuccessfully sued to stop its long awaited re-release. Her court loss is a victory for Skinemax fans everywhere, as LADY LIBERTINE can now be presented uncut and uncensored for the first time on DVD in America!