UNDYING - The Whispered Lies Of Angels LP (Clear w/ Gold & Black)
First proper full-length from Raleigh North Carolina's vegan metal harbingers Undying. As a followup to the band's crushing 1999 debut This Day All Gods Die, The Whispered Lies Of Angels offered a somewhat more refined formula as a noteworthy forerunner in the synthesis of Swedish-style death metal and heavy modern hardcore.
Heartbreaking melodies illuminate these ferociously apocalyptic compositions, accompanied by a lyrical focus spanning turmoil of defeat and declarations of war against the inherent destruction within unrecognized tenets of civilization.
In 2000, the hellish facade of everyday life was ever ripe for unraveling. Some of us sincerely felt that we were on the precipice of a new world, with transitory grace anchored in the naive but beautiful underground networks reinforcing anarchist principles and unwavering conviction against endless forms of oppression. Alongside a handful of other albums released in steady, short procession, each showcasing comparably masterful songwriting and revolutionary intent in the face of armageddon (ie- TRIAL - Are These Our Lives?; CATHARSIS - Passion and their split with Newborn), this was the sound of courage found to reach toward something more.
And spinkicks. Yes, the mosh bros loved this album just as much as we did. Out of press for more than two decades, this definitive work can now be filed away respectfully where it belongs, somewhere between your copies of EARTH CRISIS - Destroy The Machines and ŻEGOTA - Movement In The Music.
Clear vinyl with gold and black twist, limited to 200 copies