Mutantes: Punk Porn Feminism (DVD)
Is pornography an acceptable form of expression - and if so, can distinctions be drawn between different forms of pornography? This documentary raises all of these questions, seeking to provide the answers from the perspective of pro-sex feminism, which asserts that pornography must be wrested from patriarchal control, and that in the hands of women and sexual minorities, it can become a tool of liberation. Director Virginie Despentes (Baise-moi) takes a wide ranging look at the movement and maps the evolution of pro-sex, or "post-porn", from its pioneers like Annie Sprinkle to newer European work like Emilie Jouvet’s Too Much Pussy!
Filled with roughly two dozen interviews with the likes of B. Ruby Rich, Lydia Lunch, Annie Sprinkle, Catherine Breillat, Del La Grace Volcano, Maria Beatty, Coralie Trinh Thi, Carol Queen, Lynnee Breedlove, Norma Jean Almodovar, and other members of the post-porn movement, Mutantes is part of a very queer feminist revolution. Exploring in comprehensive fashion the various sexual niches of punk porn, queer porn, S&M, and transgender, the film goes a long way toward demystifying a movement that has been several decades in the making.