The traditional Rider-Waite tarot deck is the most widely known and most often used deck from which most modern interpretations are drawn. But it is geared toward people in the early 1900s and draws on commonalities of race, gender, culture, and religion that no longer seem relevant.
This is a deck for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of today's reality. It's based on the traditional symbolism of the Rider-Waite deck but has been reimagined for a new generation of tarot readers to serve as a bridge for those looking to connect with their own ancestral heritage and find their personal archetype in the here and now.
Shaheen's artistic style calls upon these subconscious archetypes without being literal or prescriptive, and retains a magical and ethereal quality that will resonate with any lover of the tarot.
This stunning kit contains a 64 page book and 78 full-color tarot cards.