“Surrealism’s clarion call for re-enchantment of the world is not about escaping reality. Instead, surrealism seeks to expand, deepen, diversify and enrich reality.”
Here is an invitation to a book of imagined anarchism and anarchized imagination.
An illuminated manuscript of desire.
A fever dream of subversive re-enchantment
A volume of exquisite revelations
A handbook for refusing humiliations
A book of spells for transforming the confined space of miserabilist pragmatism into the open road of surrealist possibility
Eberhardt Press is pleased to announce their latest book collaboration with Ron Sakolsky! His essays on anarcho-surrealism are accompanied by some fantastic illustrations by a score of surrealist artists.
Anarcho-surrealism examines the intersection of anarchism and surrealism, of total revolt and unbound imagination. Ron Sakolsky has written extensively on the subject, in books such as Scratching the Tiger’s Belly and Swift Winds from Eberhardt Press, and Dreams of Anarchy and the Anarchy of Dreams from Autonomedia.
136 pages, 5x8" paperback
Table of Contents:
A Poem Instead of a Preface
“Y” is a Crooked Letter
Hands Off the Word Surreal! Manifesto
Undoing Reality
Toward a Surrealist Re-Enchantment of the World
Charles Fourier and the Surrealist Quest for an Emancipatory Mythology
Why Be So Attached to Your Penis?
Learning How to Fly
Free Jazz: Imagining the Sound of Surrealist Revolution
Uncovering the Surrealist Roots of Détournement
Chance Encounters at the Crossroads of Anarchy and Surrealism:
A Personal Remembrance of Peter Lamborn Wilson (Hakim Bey)
The Marvelous Dance of Anarchy and Individuality
The Black Humour of Maurice Spira
No More Fattening Frogs for Snakes
A Spark in Search of a Powder Keg
Illustrations by:
as.matta ~ Alex Januario ~ John Richardson ~ Jesse Gentes ~ Poète Maudit ~ Guy Girard ~ Megan Leach ~ Steven Cline ~ Sheila Nopper ~ Rik Lina ~ Ron Sakolsky
Peter Lamborn Wilson ~ Rachel Shereikis ~ Maurice Spira ~ Zig Zag ~ Rikki Ducornet ~ Jesse Narens