"38 pages and has the highest number of submissions so far. We had to reduce the font size and decrease space to keep it manageable, which reduced the page count tremendously. We also are considering new format options for future issues to accommodate the growing size of PIU "
Material from Melatha, Minona, John Zerzan, Julian Langer, Voice of Failure / VoF, Kevin Tucker, Rupert M. Loydell, Sky, Cynthia Mele, Sascha Engel, Walks-With-Knives, Abrum Ahul, No One, Artxmis Graham Thoreau & Jason Rodgers
From the introduction to this issue:
"Issue #3 has arrived! It is incredible to think that a year ago, this project was just a vague hope that we had for years. With the help of friends and accomplices, it has grown quickly beyond our initial hopes.
For those new, Plastic in Utero: a journal of anti-civ anarchy reborn from the compost of wasteland modernity , (from now on, PIU ) is an extension of the Uncivilized Project, which encompasses the Uncivilized Podcast and Uncivilized Distro. It centers the idea that anarchist ideas/theory can be fun and provocative, not dry and orderly. PIU contributors don’t participate to make a system of thought or propose a blue-print for the masses (well hopefully not, because we won’t encourage that here).
This issue primarily centers the topics of religion, spirituality, and symbols. Not all pieces focus on these, as these topics are more suggestions than prerequisites for publication. Why these topics? Because simply, “No Gods, No Masters” is a lazy response to a complex phenomenon. It is rooted in orthodox- anarchist ideas of progress and science. It flattens the (in)human experience. Most contributors generally would be called (at least, from my understanding of them) “atheist” or “irreligious” but that doesn’t mean a rejection of discussion or an interest in a non-authoritarian spirituality. This is especially important for anti-civilizationists, who acknowledged they have been denied a deeper, non-scientific relationship to the living world and its inhabitants. I don’t mean to say we all identify as “spiritual, not religious,” but I mean to say we want to investigate these ideas deeper than a total rejection or a total acceptance.
Furthermore, the discussion has been intensified by the late Klee Benally’s 2023 No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy In Defense of the Sacred , which inspired some of the pieces, at least in part, that are included here. This issue is dedicated to their memory.
A note: this issue was originally much larger than #2, but there was some reformatting towards the end of the project (smaller font, etc), which made it much smaller/manageable, but with a large amount of content. Any feedback regarding future formatting is appreciated. I also had to use more digitally-placed art for this, which is new for me, and not necessarily my intent for PIU . Who knows what the future holds?!”