Issue #31 brings in Dante's Inferno as the theme of the narrative, as Anthony negotiates the Hell on Earth that humanity seems devoted to creating. As always, his writing is clean, clear, and honed. Like Virgil leading Dante through the chasms of doom, the author guides us on a literary journey through the macabre absurdity of life in the 21st century.
In addition to the travails of "civilization," Walent takes us along on some of his adventures into the Gila National Forest and other wild places, sitting around epic campfires of pine, cottonwood, and elder, fashioning walking sticks under desert night skies glowing with stars.
Walent usually prints his own publications, but unfortunately due to his being dislodged from his long-term residence, he was unable to re-house his Multi 1250 press and related equipment. Eberhardt Press had the honor of printing this issue, which is perhaps the best one yet -- although we say that every time a new issue comes out, so you can't go wrong. This is one of the best underground literary journals you'll ever find in print. If you still enjoy and seek out good writing and incisive thought, you have found what you have sought. You won't be disappointed by this publication."